Imagine receiving a life-changing phone call.

What would it be about? Saundra Pelletier, CEO of Evofem Biosciences received that phone call in 2018. It was her doctor on the other line. She had stage 3 breast cancer.

Saundra is not only a CEO, she is also a mother and a true advocate for women. When she received that phone call, she was in the midst of a Phase 3 clinical trial of what is now known as Phexxi, a non-hormonal contraceptive gel for women. She embarked on aggressive treatment for her cancer, all while never taking a leave of absence. She was on a mission to revolutionize women’s healthcare – and nothing could stop this force of nature – not even cancer.

During this episode, Saundra candidly shares the impact cancer and her treatment had on her and her relationship and how she fought her illness while successfully running her company – all while raising $400+ million dollars and achieving FDA approval for Phexxi – forever changing the lives of millions of women.

Komel Caruso

Komel oversees the strategy and execution of business development, sales, patient experience and marketing, including branding and content, across all marketing channels for HerMD.

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