HerMD explores women’s healthcare, from sexual health and menopause care to equity, investment, and education.

Thanks for joining The Future of Women’s Healthcare is Here, hosted by HerMD. We gathered an expert group of passionate medical professionals, founders, investors, and advocates in the women’s healthcare space.

This event will took place on April 19th, 2023 from 9:00 am -12:30 pm in New York City.

Our roundtable discussions explored different facets of women’s healthcare, from sexual health and menopause to equity, investment, and education.

Menopause, Sex  & The Market: Culture, Education, Treatment Options & Clinical Research

Moderator: Jo La Marca Mathisen 

Panelists: Dr. Somi Javaid, Naomi Watts, and Alisa Volkman

Your body. Your health. Their rules. Women’s healthcare today, Pt. 1: Equity & Legislation

Moderator: Dr. Somi Javaid 

Panelists: Dr. Taniqua Miller, Shannon Cohn, Alexandra Fine, and Jackie Rotman

Your body. Your health. Their rules. Women’s healthcare today, Pt. 2: Innovation & Investment

Moderator: Wendy Liebmann

Panelists: Maneesha Ghiya, Sally Mueller, Michelle Jacobs, and Sarah Foley

Hosted by

Somi Javaid, MD, FACOG
Founder + Chief Medical Officer, HerMD

Meet the panelists

Meet our Sponsors

Caro Carmichael

Caro is the Director of Content and Partnerships for HerMD and has spent the majority of her career in the digital marketing space collaborating with small, agile teams in fast-paced working environments.

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