Directions by car

Turn onto Monon Green Blvd. from Rangeline Road. Immediately after Canine Cloud Nine, turn right; this is also Monon Green Blvd. (not currently defined by road signage). Our front entrance is directly across from Industrious.

Park in the Veteran’s Way Garage

Parking in front of our office is often limited; we advise parking in the Veteran’s Way Garage.

Turn onto Monon Green Blvd from Rangeline Road. Immediately prior to Canine Cloud Nine, turn right to enter Veterans Way Parking Garage.

Once you are parked:

  1. Use stair A, C, or elevator to descend to the lower level (below Plaza level)
  2. Exit out to the sidewalk, our front entrance is directly across from Industrious

Map to the Parking Garage

Map to the HerMD Indianapolis Vetern's Way Parking Garage

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